Okay this is hard I have a confession to make. I work in a call center. I'm one of those black hearted bastards who unerringly call you just when you need to take your souffle out of your home or shortly before 'Le petit mort' or just after the double legectomy (transfemoral amputation). Please leave abuse in the comments but do try for originality of heard it all before. Okay anyway is being tense, really tense, for a few weeks. There's been a stink of uncertainty and doubt. This week was the payoff it was positively Wagnerian.
On Friday were told that everything that is the way we work was changing will be going on to PAYE and we didn't really know what was going to happen or what this meant to us. I spent the weekend worrying. Monday opened with an impassioned speech from our boss telling is about the bleak new pay scale and bonus packet and her resignation. At the time she made it sound like is her resignation was on on ideological grounds. Then there was an old almost a mass walkout when we were told that we would be on minimum wage and we would find our appointment bonus cut. The problem was not so much the minimum wage for the adults but, because of the way minimum wage works in England, would have been a disaster for the under 21’s in the call center. Where I work there are a lot of under 18's and minimum wage would have been a big hit for them. Our old boss seemed to go to bat for them as though trying to get some kind of all equality. But it eventually came out to that everyone would be paid the same minimum wage.
Tuesday opened with our new boss (bafflingly absent Tuesday) announcing a 21p pay rise to show us some respect. He also gave a speech about how things were to change. He promised us a new professional environment, incentives on top of commission clean, off this and an overall new climate friendly competition and professionalism. He also asked us to let Facebook know what was happening (which is why I am speaking about this. Work stuff like this is something that I feel doesn't really belong in the public sphere) and for the record it seems the so far they'vebeen true to their word and it seems that our new boss is scattering around incentives like confetti. Really expensive confetti, with metallic sparkly bits. Wednesday was fairly free from work drama (except me being in a tense race for The top seller incentive, nearly gave me a heart attack. It was dreadful, I don’t like myself when I get competitive) several family bits going off, here are the usual plumbing and genetic tests, basically a standard day.
Thursday we had had my mum's friend (well also at this point my friend, but she was my mum's friend before I was born so it seems an aptdescription) come round for her birthday feast. She came round and we had a lovely night her spinach and Gorgonzola pasta and some champagne. It was really quite pleasant. I also let her daughter read the current draft of my story (in a bizarre twist of fate she's writing one which is broadly similar, apart from every single one of the details). so that being read for the first time was nice although I must point out I did publish a version 46 drafts ago on this very blog before I deleted it because it was Eugggh and unfairly unfinished.
I went to work I came home I ate Thai curry, wrote this blog post, and went to bed I feel very content.
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